Company Secretarial Services

We offer a comprehensive company secretarial service, taking responsibility for the efficient administration of your RMC or RTM.

Administrative burden off your hands 

Thank you so much for your work. You have been attentive to detail, decisive, quick and keen to get things right, all qualities which I admire. It has been a pleasure to work with you.

As part of our service, we ensure that your company complies with all relevant legislation and regulation and board members are kept informed of their legal responsibilities. You can choose to have our office as the registered office address for your company, and Fry & Co can become your named Company Secretary. We will deal with all Companies House requirements, efficiently filing pertinent forms online.

We can prepare all formalities related to the ordinary business of your Annual General Meeting, including drafting resolutions, notices to members/shareholders, rotation of directors, adopting the year’s statutory accounts and taking/distributing minutes.

Should you choose to appoint Fry & Co to fulfil your company secretarial duties, we will ensure that the company and its directors operate within the law. As added protection, we can procure directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance to cover the activities of the individual directors and your company.

For a full list of our company secretarial services, please click here.